
PVT Community Page

Read the latest on how PVT is delivering on its promise of improving the communities that we serve!

604, 2017

Protecting Our Customers’ Privacy Online

April 6th, 2017|Regulation & Legislation|

Recent action in Washington to repeal rules proposed by the FCC last year regarding the protection of consumers’ information online has caused some concern that personal information from Peñasco Valley Telephone Cooperative members will now be shared or sold. [...]

112, 2015

PVT Brings Internet Speeds of Up to 10 Meg for Cooperative Members

December 1st, 2015|Internet, Press Release|

PVT's infrastructure upgrade brings higher speeds for the majority of its members spread across its 4,600 square miles of coverage area. December 1, 2015—Artesia, NM— Peñasco Valley Telephone Cooperative, Inc, a leading provider of telecommunications services in southeastern New Mexico, [...]

3007, 2015

PVT is fighting for our customers, but we need your help!

July 30th, 2015|Regulation & Legislation|

If you want lower rates on broadband Internet service, please help PVT by signing this petition that advocates for the rights of rural Americans like you to have access to affordable broadband. The petition is directed at the FCC [...]

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