PVT Community Page
Read the latest on how PVT is delivering on its promise of improving the communities that we serve!
PVT Invests $18.5 Million to Bring SE NM High-Speed Internet with the USDA ReConnect 4 Award
Artesia, NM - Peñasco Valley Telephone Cooperative, Inc. (PVT) will build more than 240 miles of fiber to 604 rural locations with a $13.9 million USDA ReConnect Grant. Awarded on April 3, it will be combined with a $4.6 [...]
1 Gig Speeds Now Available From PVT in Select Areas
1 gig internet speeds are now available from PVT in Artesia, Cloudcroft and select areas of the Coop. With faster speeds, PVT aims to provide internet that fits your home and business needs. PVT has been working hard on [...]
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) approves $28 million loan to support broadband in SE NM
Artesia, NM – For Immediate Release The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has awarded a $28.9 million loan guarantee to Peñasco Valley Telephone Cooperative (PVT) for broadband through the ReConnect III program. Through PVT, the new USDA loan will [...]
PVT CEO Glenn Lovelace featured on Telecom Ramblings
PVT CEO Glenn Lovelace has recently been featured on the online telecom magazine Telecom Ramblings. In this interview, he give details on NM Fiber Network, and what it is going to take to build statewide broadband infrastructure. Tap [...]
After months of conducting a nationwide search to fill the top post of Chief Executive Officer for Peñasco Valley Telephone Cooperative, Inc., the board of directors has unanimously named James (Jim) D. Meyers of Scottsdale, AZ, to fill the [...]
NM Fiber Network, LLC to Build Statewide Fiber Network in New Mexico
Eleven New Mexico Local Exchange Telephone Companies have formed NM Fiber Network, LLC Artesia, NM — April 26, 2022: Eleven New Mexico telephone companies and internet providers announced today that they have joined together to form the NM [...]